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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Partner Institutions

1. Liceo Scientifico Statale“Galileo Galilei”, Belluno, Italy- Coordinating institution

2. Liceum Ogólnokształcące,Tarnów, Poland

3. Gymnasium, Vaduz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein

4. Colegiul National "Mihai Eminescu", Baia Mare, Romania

5. Liceul Teoretic "Mihail Kogalniceanu", Vaslui, Romania

6. Lycée du Granier, La Ravoire, France

7. Gymnazium Alejova, Kosice, Slovakia


(The frontier: a no man’s land, a passage way, bridge and barrier between people, countries, stories)

The Socrates- Comenius 1 project, proposes the discussion of the idea of the border, both physical and metaphorical, considering the positive definitions (a bridge towards the new, a place of possibilities), the problematic ones (the frontier as a barrier, limit, obstacle) and even those causing conflict (the problem of choice and belonging).
It touches themes such as the knowledge of those different from us, respect for others, the sense of identity and, whilst respecting the individual characteristics, it aims to introduce as absolute values, integration, inter-culturality and the over-coming of territoriality.
All this through a study course of research that involves different areas and is based on objective data (especially historical, economic and legal), but also on an “interpretation” of life experiences, of stories and of thoughts expressed through different art forms.
The expected results can be divided in terms of acquired knowledge on the one hand and in terms of human and cultural development on the other.
An education towards a Europe without barriers and borders, without obstacles limiting dialogue between peoples is the main objective to reach.