On 21st March our school organized a Festival of Minorities living in our country. It was an all day event that involved lots of work and engagement both from the teachers and students. However, it was all worth the effort as we had a lot of fun. It was held in the gym and we invited lots of guests, even the President of our city came. Ten classes made the presentations of one minority living in Poland (Russia, Germany, Greece, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Gypsies, Jewish, Lemkowie). There were dances, songs, typical traditions and customs presented. We could see for example a Lithuanian way of spending holidays, admire a modern Russian balet show or take a look at Greek's feast. It was all presented in a very attraction-grabbing way with a dose of humour. What's more, each class prepared stalls with delicious food characteristic of each minority.Everyone enjoyed the show. The festival was also a kind of lesson of tolerance towards other nationalities that helped to overcome the cultural barrier between different nations.